1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet

WFC Blog - 1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet

1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet!

Today, we do this (… it works like crazy) 

Today’s tip is used by the leanest athletes on the planets. 

From professional bodybuilders to Olympic athletes and pro fighters. 

It’s helped many get in the leanest shape of their life (single digits in body fat) without a whole lot of effort. 


You eat 5 to 6 smaller meals per day. 

That’s it! 

It’s not rocket science. 

It’s not a secret and it works like crazy. 

Let me tell you WHY works. 

When you’re eating 5-6 small meals per day you don’t get over hungry which means you don’t overeat at meal times. 

When you eat 5-6 small meals you don’t snack between meals (so it cuts out the junk). 

And eating 5-6 meals raises your metabolism which means you burn more calories during the day.  

But don’t take it from me. 

Take it from the bodybuilders, fitness models and professional fighters watching their weights in the build-up to a competition or a fight…

This works! 

Eating 5-6 meals per day helps you manage your appetite better and lose weight. 

Now for the whiners and complainers who… “don’t have the time.”

Weight loss obviously isn’t important enough to you. 


This is just a case of priority. 

If something is important to you – you’ll make time. 

You’ll get up earlier, you’ll sacrifice your crap TV or just make the time. 


If you’re serious, doing this will stack the odds in your favor. 

It is well worth the effort! 

Many, do this… 

Make lunch the night before or in the morning. 

Sometimes lunch is a portion of the previous night’s dinner. 

Then divide lunch into two portions. 

Split your breakfast in two, have two lunches and come home to an evening meal (that’s five small meals in one day). 

If you want six, have a smaller evening meal and a healthy snack later in the evening. 

Eating five to six small meals per day will keep your metabolism higher and your hunger pangs at bay.

Space each snack meal about 3 to 4 hours apart.

It’s not that hard. 

It is a discipline thing!

And it takes a little preparation. 

Many fit people take time on sunday to cook and pre-package their meals for the week.

…And it’s well worth it. 

A stockbroker friend of mine cooks all of her meals on a Sunday and freezes them. 



She’s organized, prepared and serious about losing weight. 

It’s cool now to say… “I meal prep!”

You can even find other people to do the meal pre-prep for you nowadays.

The longer you go between meals the slower your metabolism and you are training your body to store fat.

More meals more often cranks up your metabolism strong all day long!

Make it happen!

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, clean eating and also developing the mental toughness of strong discipline.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com