How To Eat More Food And Lose More Weight

WFC Blog - How To Eat More Food And Lose More Weight

How To Eat More Food And Lose More Weight

Your body is like an old dog. 

It’s hard to teach it new tricks! 

But not impossible. 

You see… 

Your body is an amazing machine that loves stability. 

It likes to keep things the same. 

It doesn’t like change. 

When you eat more real food your body ‘up regulates’ it’s metabolism and burns more food. 

When you cut your food and drop your calories it ‘down regulates’ to protect itself and its energy stores. 

For example: 

One of the extraordinary features of your body is its ability to survive when food is scarce. 

Back, thousands of years ago we were hunter-gatherers. 

When food was abundant we’d gorge on it and fill our bellies. 

If it continues we’d build up fat stores. 

When times were tough we’d use these fat stores as energy.   

These stores kept us all alive. 

Now modern life has changed – a lot! 

We live in a state of permanent, food abundance.   

When we get hungry we go to the kitchen, visit the store or buy fast-food. 

We live in a time when over eating and calorie excess is just too easy. 

We rarely go hungry. 

In fact, when was the last time you REALLY felt hungry? 

Be honest! 

So while times have changed, the human body has stayed the same. 

100,000 years ago those tough times may have been the Winter. 

Nowadays it’s more likely that tough times are a crash diet in January. 

But the human body reacts the exact same as it did 100,000 years ago and treats a crash diet the exact same as a famine. 

Your body doesn’t know the difference. 

And nor does it care. 

On a crash diet your body starts to shut down, preserve energy stores, looks to save itself and keep things the same. 

Remember, it doesn’t like change! 

So how does this affect you? 

When you drastically cut your calories by going on a harsh diet (say less than 1200 calories per day) your body will go into survival mode to save itself. 


Your metabolism starts to decline and your hormones start to change. 

“So what?” you might be thinking?! 

Well, your metabolism is responsible for burning up to 70% of your daily calories and it’s this metabolism that will start to slow. 

In addition, your body works to protect its fat stores and starts to release hunger hormones that encourage you to feed. 

It’s no wonder so many people buckle under crazy diets. 

Your body tries to resist it and sends your brain messages to fight the change too! 

So where does that leave you if you want to lose weight without triggering survival mechanisms in your body and doing the exact opposite? 

First you don’t go on a fad diet that causes massive calorie deficits. 

It’s detrimental to your health and your metabolism. 

Instead, what you want is your metabolism fully functioning and firing on full capacity.   

In other words – eat! 

Eat healthy, whole and nutritious food. 

Second you need a balanced eating plan. 

One that makes sure you eat the right foods, at the right times and in the right amounts. 

A plan that will keep your weight loss efforts on track. 

Together these create a small (but practical and sustainable) calorie deficit every day. 

One more time: 

Eat whole, naturally occurring foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. 

They’ll fill you up better, keep your hormone levels stable and encourage a healthier body composition (think more muscle and less fat). 

And two, plan to eat 5 to 6 meals a day for the week ahead. 

Don’t just make them up as you go along because you’re human and without a plan it’s all too easy to eat convenience foods. 


You won’t feel hungry.  

You’ll likely end up eating more.  

When you eat you’ll feel happy and satisfied.   

Then throw in some exercise and you’ll look as good as you feel.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet

WFC Blog - 1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet

1 Tip Used By The Leanest Athletes On The Planet!

Today, we do this (… it works like crazy) 

Today’s tip is used by the leanest athletes on the planets. 

From professional bodybuilders to Olympic athletes and pro fighters. 

It’s helped many get in the leanest shape of their life (single digits in body fat) without a whole lot of effort. 


You eat 5 to 6 smaller meals per day. 

That’s it! 

It’s not rocket science. 

It’s not a secret and it works like crazy. 

Let me tell you WHY works. 

When you’re eating 5-6 small meals per day you don’t get over hungry which means you don’t overeat at meal times. 

When you eat 5-6 small meals you don’t snack between meals (so it cuts out the junk). 

And eating 5-6 meals raises your metabolism which means you burn more calories during the day.  

But don’t take it from me. 

Take it from the bodybuilders, fitness models and professional fighters watching their weights in the build-up to a competition or a fight…

This works! 

Eating 5-6 meals per day helps you manage your appetite better and lose weight. 

Now for the whiners and complainers who… “don’t have the time.”

Weight loss obviously isn’t important enough to you. 


This is just a case of priority. 

If something is important to you – you’ll make time. 

You’ll get up earlier, you’ll sacrifice your crap TV or just make the time. 


If you’re serious, doing this will stack the odds in your favor. 

It is well worth the effort! 

Many, do this… 

Make lunch the night before or in the morning. 

Sometimes lunch is a portion of the previous night’s dinner. 

Then divide lunch into two portions. 

Split your breakfast in two, have two lunches and come home to an evening meal (that’s five small meals in one day). 

If you want six, have a smaller evening meal and a healthy snack later in the evening. 

Eating five to six small meals per day will keep your metabolism higher and your hunger pangs at bay.

Space each snack meal about 3 to 4 hours apart.

It’s not that hard. 

It is a discipline thing!

And it takes a little preparation. 

Many fit people take time on sunday to cook and pre-package their meals for the week.

…And it’s well worth it. 

A stockbroker friend of mine cooks all of her meals on a Sunday and freezes them. 



She’s organized, prepared and serious about losing weight. 

It’s cool now to say… “I meal prep!”

You can even find other people to do the meal pre-prep for you nowadays.

The longer you go between meals the slower your metabolism and you are training your body to store fat.

More meals more often cranks up your metabolism strong all day long!

Make it happen!

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, clean eating and also developing the mental toughness of strong discipline.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With

WFC Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With

Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With 

It’s easy to say you’re going to work out. It’s much more difficult to actually make it happen. Failed workout plans add up and eventually you give up. That New Year’s Resolution, despite your best intentions, is a bust. Here’s how to develop a realistic fitness plan you will stick with.

Step One: Identify fitness routines or programs you might enjoy

One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick with their fitness plan is because they don’t enjoy it. They may actually go so far as to say they hate it. If you hate it then you’re not going to do it. There’s no reason to torture yourself. There are many fun activities that are healthy too. Consider:

* Dance

* Martial arts

* Swimming

* Walking/Hiking

* Cycling

* Yoga

Make a list of the fun activities you enjoy or might enjoy. Look around your community for opportunities to explore or add these activities to your day.

Step Two: Find small bits of time in your schedule to exercise

The best way to make fitness a habit is to approach it realistically. Trying to exercise for an hour each day when you’ve never exercised before may be a bit too much. Instead, try to exercise for ten or fifteen minutes a day. Or if you’ve signed up for a class, then fit that class into your schedule once or twice a week. The other days, exercise for ten or fifteen minutes. Making exercise a daily habit makes it much easier to embrace permanently.

Step Three: Celebrate your success

Sometimes it’s easier to stick with a plan if you have something to celebrate. For example, after a week of successfully working out each day you might reward yourself at the end of the week. Find a reward that’s motivating and still supports your overall fitness goals. For example, you can get a massage at the end of the week. You might purchase a new fitness outfit.

Finally, consider tracking your success. When you can see what you’ve accomplished it can be extremely motivating. You’ll be able to see the progress you’ve made. Track the workouts you’ve accomplished. Track the weight you’ve lost. Consider tracking your feelings about each workout too. For example, was it easy or hard? What level of exertion did you feel? How did you feel the next day or after the workout? 

Developing a realistic fitness plan is about managing your expectations. It’s about finding something you enjoy. Track and celebrate your success. Acknowledge that every day may not be perfect or successful but over time you can and will succeed. To your success!

Begin today and use everything we have for you at:

Double Your Chances Of Losing Weight

WFC Double Your Chances Of Losing Weight

Double Your Chances Of Losing Weight!

This is a good tip but not for the reasons you might think. 

It’s a tip that doubles your chances of losing weight. 

And it only takes minutes per day. 

Are you ready? 

You’re going to keep a food diary. 

Now STOP! 

This isn’t about calorie counting.  

Calorie counting is very challenging. 

It’s for people who want to obsess and fail.   

And it’s totally unreliable. 

Think about it.  

Grow an apple in your backyard and compare it to an apple you bought from a store that’s been imported halfway around the world. 

Do you think they have the same calorie content?   

I doubt it. 

Do you think they even have the same nutrients?   

Highly unlikely. 

Calorie counting is flawed at best.  There are too many variables to make it accurate or reliable. 

So give up on calorie counting.  I bet you like to hear me say that.

Instead keep a food diary so you become conscious of what you are eating. 

Now you don’t have to go crazy, you can do this in seconds.   

Just scribble what you’ve eaten down on a piece of paper. 

Like I said, this is about you being conscious about the food you put in your mouth. 

It’ll make you think twice about what you’re eating. 

That’s the key!

Thinking about what you eat.   

It’s a proven fact that people who keep food diaries can lose twice as much weight as people who don’t. 

Plus a good diary will help you identify and break bad eating habits too (especially those Achilles heel type habits). 

Start it today. 

Star it right now, in-fact. 

There is no time like the present. 

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

There is much more great information and motivation inside WebFitnessClub Membership to assist you with creating positive habits. Get started today! CLICK HERE!

Discover The Amazing Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Discover The Amazing Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Discover The Amazing Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a health remedy that has been around for centuries. It’s derived from fermented apple juice and has a plethora of uses and benefits. This is one of those holistic remedies that people often overlook.

It’s inexpensive, easily available and conveniently forgotten. Yet, it’s highly potent and will help to boost your health in several different ways, if you use it.

But before even looking at the health benefits, there’s an important point to take note of. 

1. How much apple cider vinegar should you consume?

This is one of those remedies that should be consumed in moderation. If you’re just starting out, you may consume one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a cup of water daily.

Drinking apple cider vinegar undiluted will weaken tooth enamel because the vinegar is acidic by nature.

After a week or so, you may consume 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water daily. Generally, mixing 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with about 100ml of water should be enough to dilute it for consumption.

About a month of this and you may go up to 2 tablespoons a day. There’s really no need to go above 2 tablespoons and it’s not recommended either.

Now let’s look at the health benefits of this miraculous ‘potion’…

1. Lowers blood sugar levels

This is a very powerful benefit and is fantastic for people suffering from type-2 diabetes. Apple cider vinegar helps to improve insulin insensitivity. Coupled with a low-carb diet, it can help to reverse diabetes.

It’s best to speak to your doctor first before you try this remedy. It’s safe but you should get professional medical advice.

2. Aids in digestion

Apple cider vinegar contains probiotics which will help with the digestive process. Not only will it regulate your stomach acids, but will improve your gut health too.

3. Improves heart health

Studies show that regular consumption of apple cider vinegar helps to keep your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels low. This will help to prevent strokes and cardiovascular disease.

4. Better weight management

Want to lose weight? Apple cider vinegar will give you that edge you need. It’ll curb your appetite and since it keeps your insulin levels stable, you’ll eat less and your body will not be storing fat so easily.

5. Has anti-cancer properties

Apple cider vinegar helps to maintain the pH level in the body. The general idea behind the anti-cancer theory is that cancer cells cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Since the vinegar alkalizes the body, the cancer cells will not be able to grow. 

While there is debate in the medical community about apple cider vinegar’s efficacy, the truth of the matter is that it doesn’t hurt to consume some daily. After all, it’s also anti-bacterial in nature and will help to destroy any pathogens in your system.

Besides these ‘internal’ health benefits of apple cider vinegar, it can be used for treating several other maladies too. 

Suffering from acne? Apply some diluted apple cider vinegar to your face and wash away after a few minutes.

Apply it on your hair to strengthen the follicles. 

If you have a wart, apply some undiluted apple vinegar on it for a few days and the wart will shrink and die off.

This is a highly versatile ‘supplement’ that can be used to treat migraines, sinuses, bug bites, nausea, gout, hypertension, and much more. Do your research and discover how you can use it in your daily life to improve your health.

A bottle of apple cider vinegar is one of those holistic health remedies that should always be a part of your medicine cabinet. Do give it a try today.

Here is the best deal on the Apple Cider Vinegar we recommend… CLICK HERE!

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8 Keys To Boost Your Immune System

WFC-8 Keys To Boost Your Immune System

8 Keys To Boost Your Immune System

You might be sabotaging your immune system without even knowing it. Many common lifestyle habits can have a negative effect on the health of your immune system. 

A poor immune system can leave you more vulnerable to illnesses like the common cold and the flu, and even contribute to the development of cancer and other serious diseases.

Replacing bad habits with healthy habits can bolster the strength and effectiveness of your immune system.

Consider where you could implement healthier, immune-boosting habits:

1. Exercise. Moderate exercise of only 30 minutes a day increases several factors in the immune system. The most important of these is your leukocyte count. These are the cells that fight infection. 

* Sitting at a desk all day increases the odds of catching common ailments. Go to the gym or get out and take a brisk walk every day.

2. Avoid being overweight. Excess body weight greatly increases the likelihood of developing diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Studies have also shown that being overweight has a negative impact on the immune system.

3. Watch your diet. Excess sugar consumption has a negative effect on the immune system’s effectiveness when dealing with bacteria. This effect can be seen after the consumption of as little as 75 grams of sugar and continues for at least a few hours.

* On the other hand, foods that are high in antioxidants and other nutrients boost the immune system. The best way to get all of these nutrients is by eating fruits and vegetables. Ideally, fill at least half your plate with vegetables. 

4. Reduce stress. We’re all faced with a certain amount of stress in our lives. A small amount of stress is actually good for our health. However, excessive, chronic stress has a very negative impact on immune system health. 

* Have you ever noticed you only get sick when you’re overstressed? When you’re stressed, you become much more likely to develop a variety of illnesses.

5. Laugh. Laughing is great for you. It decreases the level of stress hormones in your body. It also increases a specific type of white blood cell. Even the anticipation of experiencing something humorous has a very positive effect on the immune system.

6. Avoid social isolation. A strong social network is a great boost to both your mental and physical health. Your immune system is especially affected. 

* Those with strong social connections and many close friends have a higher level of immunity than those that feel socially isolated. 

* The feeling of loneliness can actually affect the way genes behave.

7. Get enough sleep. Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep to maintain good health. A lack of sleep can increase the likelihood of getting sick. 

* Insomnia can increase inflammation in the body, which inhibits your immune system’s responsiveness.

8. Practice relaxation techniques. Since chronic stress decreases immune system function, learning relaxation techniques will help return your immune system to a healthy state. 

* Experiments have shown that regular meditation has a positive impact on your immune system. 

Boosting your immune system is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It has a significant impact on longevity. Consider how many people die from the flu and other common ailments, especially as they age and their immune system function decreases.

You’ll also notice that these tips will enhance your overall well-being, as well as helping your immune system. Eating better, sleeping more, exercising, and relaxing will make you feel better every day. You’re going to like the way you feel!

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

How To Choose The Right Treadmill

How To Choose The Right Treadmill

How To Choose The Right Treadmill

Today everybody has become health conscious and wants to stay fit, but going to the gym can be a luxury which many people do not enjoy because of time constraint.

You can solve this problem by getting a treadmill for your home.

Not only can you workout at home without having to go anywhere, you can also exercise at your convenience anytime you want.

A treadmill is a piece of exercise equipment where you run on the spot, without moving any distance. You can exercise while watching TV, or even read while you run. Even when there is bad weather you can run indoors.

The working system of a treadmill is the belt system. The top of the belt moves to the rear, allowing you to run an equal and necessarily opposite speed. The speed and the distance covered can be set or measured.

You can also change the rate of speed when you need to. Because all factors of the run are known, the exact energy spent is able to be calculated. Some treadmills also have special built-in features such as heart rate monitors, step count, amount of calories burnt, etc.

How to choose the right treadmill:

Well, after deciding you want to buy a treadmill for yourself, but looking at the number of different treadmills available, you may get confused as to which one is best.

There are lots of things you need to consider.

Price is of course something you need to consider, but remember never to compromise on money when it comes to your fitness and health; after all you do not want to feel sorry later. Don’t become a slave to price. Consider the durability and functionality first, and then come to the price.

Before you set out to buy a treadmill, first decide where you want to put it, and measure up the space. If space is an issue, you may want to choose a model which folds for storage.

One important factor that you need to consider while choosing the treadmill is its motor. Choose one that has a larger and heavier motor if you are looking for long lasting and durability.

There are two ratings of horsepower. Peak duty rating is rated on the treadmill tag, and continuous duty rating, which is very important as it determines the quality and the duration of the treadmill, is stamped on the motor.

Get a 1.5 continuous duty horsepower or higher if your weight is more than 185 pounds.

Pay attention to the size of the walking track and the walking deck. Get a thick size deck at least 3/4 inches thick, for comfort of the feet and legs. The length of the walking track should be at least 48 inches and the width about 17 inches, so that you do not step off the track.

You can get a longer track if you are going to run on the treadmill. Next check the shock absorption. Avoid buying treadmills that have shock absorbers on the legs as this is not effective shock absorption.

The treadmill’s suspension must be directly under the walking deck to provide effective cushioning for the legs, feet and back. Foam or rubber is used for the padding. Foam can be softer and more comfortable than rubber, but it requires more time to return to its original size after impact, where rubber can recover to full thickness instantly and is a better shock absorbent.

Some treadmills even have a range of special preset exercise programs that can automatically change speed and can even measure your heart rate.

They can be more expensive than the usual treadmills, so if you are on a limited budget you could always buy a cheaper one and get a separate heart rate monitor and develop your own programs.

Bring one home!

Walking is a very effective exercise which everybody is able to do. It is basic, doesn’t require a lot of coordination, and can be an excellent way to deal with stress by clearing your head. 

Anybody of any age can do it, and it is the same for a beginner as well as for an athlete.

So, if you are an indoor person, cannot go to a gym, or if you do not get time to go out to exercise, you can get a treadmill and exercise at home whenever you can and want to.

Here is the best home Treadmill that we recommend… CLICK HERE!

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You Should Be Running Every Day

WFC Should Be Running

You Should Be Running Every Day!

Running is one of the most natural and pure systems for developing balance in your body. There are also a host of other benefits that running can bring to your body and mind, including physical fitness, mood enhancing, stress relief, and an overall feeling of wellbeing. 

Humans have been running for a very long time. Our physiology has evolved to be highly specific and highly functional runners. 

Consider these reasons why you should start running:

1. Running strengthens your feet. There might not be a better exercise for developing strong and coordinated foot patterns. Your feet are built like springs, but without proper training, they lose their elasticity.

● In some cases, this means you could actually lose some of your strength and power when you are pushing through your feet on squats and deadlifts.

● A strong base is a strong lift. Running can help to provide you with a strong base of support and elastic-like tensegrity in the feet.

2. Running is great for alignment. Assuming you have half-decent running form, your jogging is going to be great for alignment. The average person sits for about 6 hours a day. Without standing and running, your body may become accustomed to slouching and back pain.

● Slowly moving into more running can be one of the most effective ways to improve your posture and train your muscles to fire properly.

3. Running is euphoric. Think back to when you were a kid: running around and playing outside was likely the most fun you’ve ever had. This same experience can come back as long runs provide a literal high that leads to a euphoric state.

● On top of having an amazing experience, you are conditioning the body to better utilize oxygen and improving your body composition.

4. Running is easy to moderate and improve. Cardio training like running is one of the easiest styles of training to make progressions in.

● There are really only two basic premises – intensity and duration. Either you run longer at a lower intensity or you run shorter distances at a higher intensity.

● Making progressions is as simple as running longer at higher intensities and working up to greater paces.

5. Running takes you back to your roots. Many people will even make the most of their runs by wearing barefoot shoes. If this is your preferred method, ensure that you work into this slowly, as modern shoes have shaped your feet for some time.

● Strengthening your feet to work effectively in a barefoot setting will take time, but the rewards will be drastic. 

What if You’re Strength Training?

In the world of strength training, many people are afraid to go running. They fear that, by running, they will lose muscle mass and may forfeit some of their strength. 

Does this idea have any validity? In other words, could running really put a damper on your strength returns?

Yes and no. 

Running is a type of training that requires the same form of energy that your weight training uses, especially if you’re running at a high intensity or for a very long duration. 

So, if you are a strength athlete, you might want to avoid very long distances, as it will put stress on the joints (in excess of your weight training) and it would dissolve some nutrients you need for weight training. 

Running for short distances, however, can still provide you with some great benefits.

Looking Forward

So, whether you go to the gym, don’t go to the gym, or you’re strength-training, running can benefit you in many ways.

Give those running shoes a workout! Start running today and reap the rewards.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

This Is Stopping You From Losing Weight

WFC Stopping You From Losing Weight

This Is Stopping You From Losing Weight!

We’re creatures of habit. 

We wake up, hit the alarm and hit auto-pilot…   

You have breakfast.   

You brush your teeth.   

You get dressed.   

You go to work. 

You come home. 

You go to bed. 

Then you do it all over again the next day. 

Eating and exercising – getting fatter or losing weight — all boil down to the same thing. 


We are creatures of habit. 

Now you can use habit to your advantage. 

Good habits help you get the things you want (and achieve the goals you have) quicker and easier. 

There is a saying… 

“The routine will set you free” 

But it’s a double-edge sword.   

It can help you lose weight or… 

It can make you fat. 

Now I need your help here. 

I need you to think long and hard about what I’m about to ask. 

And be brutally honest with yourself. 

What is your biggest weakness when it comes to your food? 

Is it: 

– Overeating at meal times – Going without food for hours and then binge eating – Snacking between meals – Getting bored late in the evening before raiding the kitchen – Opening the ice-cream and eating it ALL! 

These are classic BAD eating habits. 

The problem is these are bad habits we do without thinking. 

We do them (almost) on auto-pilot. 

The regret it afterwards. 

There are plenty more but if you can identify your biggest weakness you’re on a winner when it comes to losing weight. 

I used to be a terrible night time feeder. 

At night I’d raid and re-raid the fridge, the freezer and all the cupboards.   

I might start with having one cookie and finish the pack. 

Or have a bowl of cereal. Then another. And another. 

I did it when I got bored in the evenings, watching TV or surfing the Internet.  

I didn’t need the food.    

I wasn’t hungry. 

It was just habit. 

When I realized and ended it (and with a little exercise) my body changed drastically. 

Now here’s your job. 

Think long and hard (and be honest). 

What is your weakness? 

What is your Achilles heel? 

Isolate it.  

Zone in on it. 

Then by either replacing it with a better habit or cutting it out completely – good things will start to happen. 

Like losing weight, seeing results, burning body fat and living a longer, healthier and leaner life. 

So today, that’s your task. 

Discover and zone in on that killer habit. 

It’ll be the start of a new you.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

There is much more great information and motivation inside WebFitnessClub Membership to assist you with creating positive habits. Get started today! CLICK HERE!