5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

Is your family less active than they should be? Are you trying to be a good example but the family is just not following your lead? Keeping your family fit can be difficult. Here are some great tips to help you keep your whole family fit.

#1 Make It Mandatory

Getting the family out and active isn’t a choice. If you give children the option to come on a hike or stay inside and play on their computer, you know what they’ll choose. Instead, make it mandatory. Consider including the family outing with other errands. For example, go for a family hike and then go to the grocery store or out to lunch. 

#2 Make It A Family Activity

Children are much more likely to engage in fitness activities if everyone is doing it. Create regular family outings. For example, ride your bikes or walk in the park together. Go for an evening walk as a family. On the weekends, engage in larger activities. For example, go on hikes. In the wintertime you can go skiing, sledding or snowshoeing. During the summertime you can head to the pool as a family or go for a bike ride.

#3 Continue To Model Good Fitness Behavior

Children really do pay attention to what you do. When you are active they’ll be more likely to adopt an active lifestyle. When you head out to exercise, remember to keep your language positive. If your children think you view exercise as a chore, they will too.

#4 Limit Screen Time

If your television, computer and gaming systems are turned off, your children will likely be at a loss for what to do. They’ll be more likely to head outside or to engage in active play. Consider giving them a screen time allowance. They’re allowed 1 hour a day, 6 hours a week – whatever seems realistic for your family. That way when they use their allowance up, they’re done. No more screen time!

#5 Make It Fun

Remember to find activities that your children enjoy. If you love hiking and your children really dislike it, then hiking is going to become a chore. If they love playing Frisbee golf or scrambling around on the local playground, then make time for those activities. When you pay attention to the likes and dislikes of everyone, then your whole family feels recognized. They’ll have a much more positive attitude about exercise.

Getting active as a family is about changing habits. Look for ways you can get people off the couch and moving. Walk or ride bikes to the store and around the neighborhood. Go to the park. Engage in activities that everyone loves. Have fun!

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Why You Should Avoid Getting Into A Weight Lifting Rut

Why You Should Avoid Getting Into A Weight Lifting Rut

Why You Should Avoid Getting Into A Weight Lifting Rut

Once you have begun your strength training program, you might find yourself in a weight lifting rut. It can happen easily to even the most motivated of us.

We want results and we want them yesterday. The endless repetitions can start to drive us out of our minds.

Even worse, doing the same exercises over and over again can get your muscles into a certain set of habits. They will need all new workouts to challenge them to the max and get the best results.  

Worst of all, you might think about giving up because you are not seeing the results you want. Maybe the scale seems stuck on the same number for weeks.

Or disaster has struck: your weight has gone up despite your best efforts and the fact that you are nearly starving yourself. This could be a good sign because muscle weighs more than fat. 

Many people throw in the towel at this point. But that would be foolish after all your hard work. Build on your success by re-thinking some of your approaches to getting fit.

Once you review your progress and routines, you can find all new ways to get out of your rut and back on track.

The first step is to identify your goals’ “To lose weight” or ‘to get more fit’ are too vague.  Be specific, so you can then use the right tools and take the best actions to achieve the goal. For example, you might wish to lose 20 pounds and reduce your percentage of body fat by 10%.  

In terms of weight loss, don’t starve yourself. Focus on protein in order to build more muscle. More muscle will burn more calories and boost your metabolism, to burn even more calories.

In terms of strength training, you might decide that you want to progress from starting at 2 pounds to working up to 10 pounds, from 1 set of 8 reps to 16 reps and from 1 set to 3 sets.

Tired of endless reps with your hand weights? Try working out with resistance bands. Add a few new exercises to your strength training.

Or, discover some new routines to work out in a whole new way.  Resistance bands come in a range of weights (loads) so they are sure to suit your fitness level. You can also use more than one to increase your loads.  

Resistance bands can also help you work different muscles in different ways. Many of the exercises you can do with the bands are similar to the workout machines in the gym, but they are portable and you can use them at home, or anywhere you feel like working out.

A change of scenery might also get you out of your workout rut.  With resistance bands you can even take our workout outside.

Don’t just give up on your workout due to getting stuck in a rut.  Adopt some new strategies and give your strength training a whole new spin.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

Go to WebFitnessClub.com and click on Products to see the best Resistance Bands that we recommend. Order your Resistance Bands today and use our WebFitnessClub Membership training videos about Resistance Bands.

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Light Weights Versus Resistance Bands

WFC Light Weights vs Resistance Bands

Light Weights Versus Resistance Bands

Some people swear by light weights in relation to getting the best workout, while others advocate resistance bands being the best.

The truth is that they both have their place in strength training. Each offers a chance to build muscle quickly, safely and consistently provided you follow proper form in using them correctly.

When we think of lifting weights, we usually think of dumbbells, hand held single weights, and barbells, big metal bars we hold in two hands that have extra weights put on either end of them to make them heavier and heavier. 

Then we have weights machines, that confusing array of huge, clanking monstrosities that completely confuse us whenever we go to a gym, so we shy away from them and hide in a corner rather than try to work out with the ‘big boys’ pumping iron who have rippling muscles like Mr. Universe. 

Light weights and resistance bands can take the place of those horrible machines in most cases. Best of all, they can be used right in the comfort of your own home any time you wish to work out. 

There is no need to drag yourself to the gym and back. You don’t have to buy a lot of expensive equipment or fancy clothes.  Using both light weights and resistance bands will not only give you a range of workout options to sculpt your whole body, they will also prevent you from becoming bored with your strength training routines.

The best workout is the one you will stick to.  Consistent effort in strength training is what gives real results in the form of toned and trim lean muscle.

Lean muscle supports your joints. Weight bearing exercise builds bone, which can in turn keep you stronger and more mobile and therefore more independent as you age. 

Light weights can help with both, but it is easy to get into a rut, doing the same exercises over and over again, up, down, up, down.  This can make your muscles become less challenged. 

If this happens, you will reach a training plateau. Resistance bands can help move your muscles in all new ways to get you out of your rut and work you muscles in all new ways, with new exercises and a wide range of motion. 

It does not have to be an either or situation when it comes to hand weights versus resistance bands. You can use both. Either add a few new moves using your resistance bands to your workout sessions. Or alternate days, weights one day, resistance bands the next day.

Finally, both hand weights and resistance bands can be added to a range of exercises, including squats, lunges, sit ups, yoga poses and more. Try a few of them with both and see which works best to take your strength training routines to a whole new level.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

Go to WebFitnessClub.com and click on Products to see the best Resistance Bands that we recommend. Order your Resistance Bands today and use our WebFitnessClub Membership training videos about Resistance Bands.

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