You Should Be Running Every Day

WFC Should Be Running

You Should Be Running Every Day!

Running is one of the most natural and pure systems for developing balance in your body. There are also a host of other benefits that running can bring to your body and mind, including physical fitness, mood enhancing, stress relief, and an overall feeling of wellbeing. 

Humans have been running for a very long time. Our physiology has evolved to be highly specific and highly functional runners. 

Consider these reasons why you should start running:

1. Running strengthens your feet. There might not be a better exercise for developing strong and coordinated foot patterns. Your feet are built like springs, but without proper training, they lose their elasticity.

● In some cases, this means you could actually lose some of your strength and power when you are pushing through your feet on squats and deadlifts.

● A strong base is a strong lift. Running can help to provide you with a strong base of support and elastic-like tensegrity in the feet.

2. Running is great for alignment. Assuming you have half-decent running form, your jogging is going to be great for alignment. The average person sits for about 6 hours a day. Without standing and running, your body may become accustomed to slouching and back pain.

● Slowly moving into more running can be one of the most effective ways to improve your posture and train your muscles to fire properly.

3. Running is euphoric. Think back to when you were a kid: running around and playing outside was likely the most fun you’ve ever had. This same experience can come back as long runs provide a literal high that leads to a euphoric state.

● On top of having an amazing experience, you are conditioning the body to better utilize oxygen and improving your body composition.

4. Running is easy to moderate and improve. Cardio training like running is one of the easiest styles of training to make progressions in.

● There are really only two basic premises – intensity and duration. Either you run longer at a lower intensity or you run shorter distances at a higher intensity.

● Making progressions is as simple as running longer at higher intensities and working up to greater paces.

5. Running takes you back to your roots. Many people will even make the most of their runs by wearing barefoot shoes. If this is your preferred method, ensure that you work into this slowly, as modern shoes have shaped your feet for some time.

● Strengthening your feet to work effectively in a barefoot setting will take time, but the rewards will be drastic. 

What if You’re Strength Training?

In the world of strength training, many people are afraid to go running. They fear that, by running, they will lose muscle mass and may forfeit some of their strength. 

Does this idea have any validity? In other words, could running really put a damper on your strength returns?

Yes and no. 

Running is a type of training that requires the same form of energy that your weight training uses, especially if you’re running at a high intensity or for a very long duration. 

So, if you are a strength athlete, you might want to avoid very long distances, as it will put stress on the joints (in excess of your weight training) and it would dissolve some nutrients you need for weight training. 

Running for short distances, however, can still provide you with some great benefits.

Looking Forward

So, whether you go to the gym, don’t go to the gym, or you’re strength-training, running can benefit you in many ways.

Give those running shoes a workout! Start running today and reap the rewards.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

This Is Stopping You From Losing Weight

WFC Stopping You From Losing Weight

This Is Stopping You From Losing Weight!

We’re creatures of habit. 

We wake up, hit the alarm and hit auto-pilot…   

You have breakfast.   

You brush your teeth.   

You get dressed.   

You go to work. 

You come home. 

You go to bed. 

Then you do it all over again the next day. 

Eating and exercising – getting fatter or losing weight — all boil down to the same thing. 


We are creatures of habit. 

Now you can use habit to your advantage. 

Good habits help you get the things you want (and achieve the goals you have) quicker and easier. 

There is a saying… 

“The routine will set you free” 

But it’s a double-edge sword.   

It can help you lose weight or… 

It can make you fat. 

Now I need your help here. 

I need you to think long and hard about what I’m about to ask. 

And be brutally honest with yourself. 

What is your biggest weakness when it comes to your food? 

Is it: 

– Overeating at meal times – Going without food for hours and then binge eating – Snacking between meals – Getting bored late in the evening before raiding the kitchen – Opening the ice-cream and eating it ALL! 

These are classic BAD eating habits. 

The problem is these are bad habits we do without thinking. 

We do them (almost) on auto-pilot. 

The regret it afterwards. 

There are plenty more but if you can identify your biggest weakness you’re on a winner when it comes to losing weight. 

I used to be a terrible night time feeder. 

At night I’d raid and re-raid the fridge, the freezer and all the cupboards.   

I might start with having one cookie and finish the pack. 

Or have a bowl of cereal. Then another. And another. 

I did it when I got bored in the evenings, watching TV or surfing the Internet.  

I didn’t need the food.    

I wasn’t hungry. 

It was just habit. 

When I realized and ended it (and with a little exercise) my body changed drastically. 

Now here’s your job. 

Think long and hard (and be honest). 

What is your weakness? 

What is your Achilles heel? 

Isolate it.  

Zone in on it. 

Then by either replacing it with a better habit or cutting it out completely – good things will start to happen. 

Like losing weight, seeing results, burning body fat and living a longer, healthier and leaner life. 

So today, that’s your task. 

Discover and zone in on that killer habit. 

It’ll be the start of a new you.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

There is much more great information and motivation inside WebFitnessClub Membership to assist you with creating positive habits. Get started today! CLICK HERE!

5 Small Changes To Start Clean Eating Today

5 Small Changes To Start Clean Eating Today

5 Small Changes To Start Clean Eating Today!

As you begin clean eating you might not be sure where to start or perhaps it looks too overwhelming. Let’s look at 5 easy ways you can get started making a positive change with clean eating today.

Here are the 5 small changes that will start you on your journey:

1.Take One Sugary Drink Away a Day

You don’t have to jump all in, start with small changes first. Pick one area that you want to improve on and figure out how to do it.  

For example, you could replace one juice, soda or energy drinks with water for a certain amount of time. Then once you’ve got the hang of that eliminate those sugary drinks completely.

You don’t have to get rid of all your groceries and replace everything all at once. That would be expensive and overwhelming to do. Oftentimes a major change is the one we give up on. Instead pick an area and improve on it daily until you’ve mastered it.

2. Switch from Canned Food to Either Frozen or Fresh

Frozen vegetables and fruits have less preservatives than canned. Stop buying in the canned food aisle and replace those with either fresh food or frozen.

The taste is better and you won’t lose the nutrients from either of those options.

3. Cook Your Own Beans

Beans are a great source of plant protein. They fill you up and can be added to a variety of recipes. You’ll want to start incorporating beans into your diet.

Unfortunately beans can be time consuming to cook. One of the best ways to cook them fast is with a pressure cooker. You don’t even need to pre-soak them.  

Throw them in, turn the cooker on and wait for the beep. Depending on the type of beans it usually takes about 45 minutes.

4. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

You’ll want to buy a variety of fruits and vegetables. There are many that are easy to carry such as bananas, apples, oranges, carrots and celery.

Some will need a little bit of prep work ahead of time. What you’ll do is cut or prepare the fruits and vegetables. Then get a snack bag and put a serving in each one. Place them in the fridge in an easy and convenient place. That way when you are heading out the door you can grab them and go. It will also make it easier for you to snack on good food choices.

5. Make Salad in a Jar

You might be thinking, but they’ll get all gross and soggy before the end of the week. Surprisingly this is not true. Salads stay fresher, longer when they are put inside of a wide mouthed Mason jar. The trick is to layer them correctly.

The wet ingredients get put on the bottom and then the lettuce or spinach is on the top.  These will help you stay on track for sure.

Every new journey starts with a single step. Start with these small steps to eat clean. Don’t expect to jump in and change everything all at once. Do it slow and steady and before long you’ll be clean eating all the time.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

There is much more great information and motivation inside WebFitnessClub Membership to assist you with clean eating. Get started today! CLICK HERE!

My Body Wants To Be Lean And Healthy


My body wants to be lean and healthy

My health and fitness are important to me.

I am losing any excess fat that is stored on my body. My body desires to be in a lean condition. I eat in a healthy manner that supports fitness and rejects body fat.

I am becoming leaner and healthier each day.

I enjoy exercising. I know that exercise is necessary to be lean and healthy. Plus, my body craves exercise. I feel better physically and psychologically when I exercise.

I feel vibrant and healthy after a good workout. Many people struggle to make exercise a habit, but it is easy for me. I love to exercise.

I am driven to make healthy choices. I realize that each decision I make can influence my health. I make the healthiest choice as often as I possibly can.

Being healthy is a lifestyle for me. I choose to be healthy each day.

Today, I am making the right choices to become leaner and healthier. I am eating a healthy diet and exercising today. My body wants to be lean and healthy and I am doing all I can to make that possible.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What would I gain by being leaner and healthier?

2. What is currently stopping me from being as fit and healthy as I want to be?

3. What are a few things I can easily change in my life to strengthen my health and physical fitness?

Get your very own PDF copy of these affirmations to keep with you and read daily…