My Body Wants To Be Lean And Healthy


My body wants to be lean and healthy

My health and fitness are important to me.

I am losing any excess fat that is stored on my body. My body desires to be in a lean condition. I eat in a healthy manner that supports fitness and rejects body fat.

I am becoming leaner and healthier each day.

I enjoy exercising. I know that exercise is necessary to be lean and healthy. Plus, my body craves exercise. I feel better physically and psychologically when I exercise.

I feel vibrant and healthy after a good workout. Many people struggle to make exercise a habit, but it is easy for me. I love to exercise.

I am driven to make healthy choices. I realize that each decision I make can influence my health. I make the healthiest choice as often as I possibly can.

Being healthy is a lifestyle for me. I choose to be healthy each day.

Today, I am making the right choices to become leaner and healthier. I am eating a healthy diet and exercising today. My body wants to be lean and healthy and I am doing all I can to make that possible.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What would I gain by being leaner and healthier?

2. What is currently stopping me from being as fit and healthy as I want to be?

3. What are a few things I can easily change in my life to strengthen my health and physical fitness?

Get your very own PDF copy of these affirmations to keep with you and read daily…

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated for Home Workouts

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated for Home Workouts

You just finished a long day of work or taking care of the kids. It’s about 6 PM and now it’s time to make dinner for the next hour until you finally get home to put your feet up. Chances are you may not have the time or the motivation to exercise. 

Most people in today’s busy world would find it difficult to find time to go to the grocery store for fresh food, much less working out. Taking an hour or two in the morning or evening to train hard is difficult. We just don’t have the time in our busy lives. 

However, the rise of fitness movements like calisthenics has made it easier and more accessible for all to exercise to the best of their ability in any location.

With a massive array of information online regarding exercise programs and various workouts, the most difficult component is not how to exercise but rather how to stay motivated. 

Why Home Workouts Are Difficult

Gyms are built to be spaces where people of all goals and fitness levels can gather together and motivate each other. For some, this can be intimidating, but for many, seeing others exercising and working hard can be a great source of motivation. 

In your home gym, you will not have that. For this reason, it’s important to find unique ways to motivate yourself. 

Maintaining Your Motivation for Home Workouts

When working out at home, your biggest challenge is staying on track and progressing towards your goals. 

Keep in mind that any goal that you have of building muscle or losing weight will take time. This is not a week-long event. You’ll need to stay motivated over the course of many months.

So, the big question remains: “How can I stay motivated for the long term?”

Try these motivating ideas, so you can achieve your fitness goals while working out from home: 

    1. Change it up. This is one of the easiest methods to stay motivated. If you’re continually doing the same workout (or series of workouts), you may find that you get bored very quickly. Additionally, having no variability in your training will make your progress much slower.

        ◦ Do yourself a favor and keep your mind open for new and unique workouts.

        ◦ Follow your favorite fitness trainers on social media. Chances are they will post workout routines that you can follow along with and see faster results.

    2. Grab a suspension tool. Suspension tools like a Monkii or a TRX are great ways to always have a source of fun and engaging exercise. Pushups and lunges can get boring very quickly, and suspension tools have a huge amount of online videos with exercises for beginners all the way to advanced.

        ◦ When you make the exercise fun and interactive, you’ll be more motivated to exercise and stay on track. Suspension tools can help with that!

    3. Make time. Integrate your home workouts into your daily schedule. Understandably, there will be days where you don’t want to train but having your workouts in your schedule and viewing them as an important element of your life will ensure you prioritize the workout.

        ◦ You’re more likely to follow through on training sessions when your workout time is on your regular schedule at the same time each day, or the same days each week.

        ◦ Making it a habit will get you to automatically work out without having to make the decision to do it.

Are Home Workouts for You?

Home workouts aren’t for everyone. Many people enjoy the setting of the gym and find that training at home is difficult. If you’re the type of person that can self-motivate and plan your days ahead of time, home workouts are for you.

Not only are they a great space to develop your relative strength, but training at home is cost-efficient, time-saving, and a great way to connect with yourself.

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6 Fitness Tips That Really Work

6 Fitness Tips That Really Work

Sorry, there’s just no way around it, if you want to get in shape you have to eat well and get a lot of regular exercise. A pill isn’t going to do it all for you. Of course, you want to optimize the results you get from your exercise routine and these exercise tips will help you do just that.

Before you start an exercise program, make sure that you talk to your doctor. This is particularly important if you’re really overweight and haven’t spent much time working out or if you have some underlying health problems. Ask your doctor what you need to do to modify an exercise routine so you can work around those issues.

Here are some exercise tips that you should keep in mind and you will get more out of your workouts:

1. If possible, work out with a friend. It is much easier to stick with a workout routine if you and your friend are doing it together. There is a certain amount of peer pressure, neither of you wants to be the undisciplined one and neither of you wants to let the other one down.

2. If you are new to working out try to find a trainer to work with at least until you get a good routine worked out. After you’ve gotten the basics mastered you can either continue to work out with the trainer (this can be another great motivator) or, if your budget is tight you can give up the personal trainer and do it yourself.

3. Do not go nuts on the cardio aspect of your workout. Many people make this mistake. They think that spending a lot of time on the treadmill or the elliptical is good, and it is, but the problem is that your body gets used to that level of exertion and eventually your results will actually go down.

4. This one goes along with number 3, do several types of cardio exercises. Don’t allow your body to get too used to a certain routine. You should change your workout routine at least every 6 weeks or so. This will really maximize your results. Another benefit of changing things up regularly is that you will lessen repetitive motion injuries that occur, you guessed it, when you do the same movements over and over again.

5. When you do weight training (and everyone should, yes, even women) don’t make the mistake of going too fast when you do a repetition.  Many people go so fast that they are actually allowing momentum to do most of the work for them. This greatly decreases the effectiveness of the exercise. You want a very slow and controlled movement. Not only will you get the most out of the exercise you will also lessen the chances of injuring yourself.

6. You may not hear this one too often, but if you are in a time crunch and you can’t really do a full workout (some cardio and weight training) and you have to pick one or the other, choose the weight portion of your workout. Weight training will also have a cardiovascular benefit and the boost in metabolism you get by weight training will last you long after your workout is over.

I hope you have found these exercise tips to be helpful. To really be successful in your workout routine, it’s important that you find something that you really enjoy doing and then just stick with it.

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5 Tips to Eliminate Your Spare Tire

5 Tips to Eliminate Your “Spare Tire” – Once and for All!

Is that darned spare tire hanging around? Have you tried dozens of diets and exercises only to have it persist? Take heart, you really can get rid of it and have flat abdominal and oblique areas. Here are the top five tips to shift your spare tire once and for all!

#1 Slow and steady wins the race

Most weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. In order to get rid of your spare tire and keep it off, you’re going to want to plan ahead. Keep your eyes forward toward your goal. Expecting huge weight loss right away often leads to disappointment. However, with gradual weight loss you’ll enjoy the results long term.

#2 Fat burning is a must 

The only way to eliminate your spare tire is to exercise. Tummy toning exercises will come later. First, it’s important to exercise regularly doing both strength training and cardio with each workout. Plan to spend 30-40 minutes working out, three to five times a week. The more you work out the faster you’ll see results. 

It’s important to note that if you have weight to lose in other areas of your body, you may lose it there first. Abdominal fat is often the last fat to burn away. Take heart – once you get to the point where you’re burning abdominal fat, it’ll go quickly.

#3 Calories in, calories out 

Watching what you eat is also part of a spare tire removal plan. You have to burn more than you consume. If not, you’ll gain weight rather than lose it. That’s the opposite of what you want to happen! The easiest way to make sure you’re burning more than you’re consuming is to simply track your day. Track what you eat and how long you exercise. There are many fantastic applications for Smartphones and iPods. You can also find free tracking programs online.

#4 Tummy toning 

Once that fat starts melting away, it’s time to tone those muscles. Tummy toning exercise is also core exercises. They’ll improve your posture. They’ll help your back muscles stay pain free. You’ll also strengthen your abdominals and have a flat stomach. 

#5 Avoid bloat

Some foods, and beverages, cause bloating. Bloat makes your spare tire appear bigger. It makes you feel uncomfortable too. Sugary foods cause bloat. Too much salt causes bloat, too. Drink water. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Add whole grains to your daily diet too. A diet rich in fiber will help keep bloat at bay. 

You don’t have to live with a spare tire. With the right mindset and a dedicated plan you can get rid of your spare tire forever. A simple plan that addresses eating right and working out will help you keep your spare tire off for good.

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Total Body Fitness For Living Your Best Life Now!

Total Body Fitness For Living Your Best Life Now!

The human body is considered fit if it’s mental and physical health are functioning at their best. If someone strictly follows proper habits of diet and exercise while handling everyday stress then, they are considered fit. As one of my coaches once said… “Nothing tastes as good as fit feels!”

You should nurture your body with proper nutrition so it will function at it’s best and you will stay healthy. Important vitamins, minerals and healthy fresh foods must be provided to achieve overall health and fitness. Keep in mind that the combination of good spiritual, mental and physical health are the real meaning of Total Body Fitness.

Total Body Fitness occurs if all the processes of the body associated with mental and physical state are functioning at their peak levels. However, this is not just a one day task! It certainly does not mean going to a gym or simply taking a walk in the park just one time. There are several factors that must be considered when talking about Total Body Fitness. Daily necessities as well as body conditioning are needed to get your goal.

Physical exercise absolutely helps the body to become stronger. All parts of your body need to function as a whole. Therefore, the absence of one factor can fail your entire fitness needs. Take for instance; you only focus on maintaining and meeting cardiovascular needs. You forgot that your body is not only composed of your heart, all your other organs should also be functioning well.

Total Body Fitness is not only achieving a beautiful figure but, replenishing what was depleted from the body due to daily activities. Physical exercise should benefit your entire body and all available resources must be used wisely. Educating yourself about bodily needs for maintaining a healthy and fit body is also important. If you have an unhealthy body, you need to dig deeply for its causes.

In fact, becoming fit again is not as easy as you might think. You could observe what has made your body unfit is several years of body abuse from bad habits, poor nutrition, and lack of physical exercise. You should also know the difference between wellness and fitness since some have misconception about it.

Being well and being fit are entirely different and have exclusive conditions, but both are essential in maintaining vitality and health. There can certainly be a big difference between being healthy and being fit, even though they sound like they go together. Let’s say you eat a great deal of chemical filled, processed meal replacements due to your hectic lifestyle. This may help you reach your fitness goals while you compromise your overall health, missing out on fresh living foods.

A fitness counselor or certified personal trainer at a fitness club or local gym can test your fitness levels, while wellness is determined by optimum functioning of your body’s systems. Just like you consult with your doctor about health issues, you should have someone to consult with about your Total Body Fitness. The greatest sports professionals all have one or many coaches, and so should you for your fitness goals. has several resources available to help you achieve and maintain your fitness goals.

The body maintains its balance if both fitness and wellness are at their maximum levels. Generally, nutritional intake affects the ability of the mind, body, and staying well. If this is combined with healthy eating, clean living, and regular exercise, then it will result in total health and wellness to achieve total body fitness.

Giving proper attention to the physical needs of every body part can result in Total Body Fitness. Never forget that these parts are working in unison with one another. In order for the limbs to function at their peak levels, two hands, two eyes, two feet, and other parts are important.

Your physical body works better and does more than any machine ever invented. It’s more powerful and complex thus, it can take more abuse yet continuously operate without meeting it’s everyday requirements for a few days. But, if you put Total Body Fitness in your life, then your body can work at the highest level possible.

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Smart Tips to Make a Permanent Healthy Lifestyle Change!

Smart Tips to Make a Permanent Healthy Lifestyle Change!

Change can be difficult. It’s particularly difficult when it’s a habit that you have held onto for a long time. However, change can also be great. When you’re trying to make a change for a healthier lifestyle, there are sure-fire ways to make it easier. Here are five smart tips to make a permanent healthier lifestyle change.

#1 Replace bad habits with good ones

Instead of trying to eliminate behaviors and get rid of bad habits, create new habits. It’s much easier to modify than it is to eliminate. For example, perhaps you drink a lot of soda each day. Trying to eliminate soda from your day may be a difficult task. However, if you replace soda with sparkling water then it becomes much easier.

Identify the habits you need to change and create a new habit to replace them.

#2 Small steps

Trying to make a major lifestyle change is extremely difficult. It can often feel overwhelming. Instead, create smaller changes that support a larger goal. For example, if your goal is to exercise for thirty minutes each day, start small. The first week, make your goal to exercise for ten minutes each day. That’s manageable and you will succeed. The next week, add five minutes to your routine. Continue adding five minutes each week until you’ve reached your goal. 

Identify the big changes you want to make to your lifestyle and create smaller goals that support your change. It’s much easier to achieve smaller goals than to make a huge lifestyle change. You’ll have a smoother road to success. And it’ll be easier to sustain your new lifestyle habits.

#3 Reward yourself

Making changes in your life is challenging. Take time to reward yourself for your successes. When you achieve a goal, even the small goals, treat yourself to something nice. Get a massage. Watch your favorite movie. Do something nice for yourself. However, make sure the reward supports your new lifestyle change.

For example, if you’re cutting out sugary snacks you don’t want to reward yourself with a sugary snack. Instead, reward yourself with an afternoon off from work, or a new gadget or pair of shoes.

#4 Make it easy

Some lifestyle changes feel complicated. In fact, many unhealthy habits became habits because they were easy.

For example, going to the drive through for lunch is easier than planning ahead and packing a lunch. You’ll have more success if you can make adopting your new habit as easy as possible. For example, you might pack your lunch the night before and do your shopping on the weekend.

#5 Cut yourself some slack

Change can be challenging. Instead of feeling down or giving up when you struggle, give yourself a break. Acknowledge that you messed up. Then turn and face the challenge head on with a positive attitude.

The key to making permanent lifestyle changes is to manage your expectations. Approach your goals with a strategy and a plan. Nothing happens overnight. However, with patience and dedication you can make complete lifestyle changes. Live a longer, stronger and better life!

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