Water The Elixir Of Life: The Benefits Of Water

WFC Blog - Water The Elixir Of Life The Benefits Of Water

Water The Elixir Of Life: The Benefits Of Water

Water is the elixir of life. It is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of water per day as it is the key to a longer, healthier, more vigorous lifestyle. 60% of the body consists of water and it is the main component of the human body.

Tissues and organs are also mainly made up of water with the following percentages: 

  • Muscle: 75% water
  • Brain : 90% water
  • Bone: 22% water
  • Blood: 83% water

The following are a few key benefits of water: 

  • Losing weight

Water flushes down the by-products of fat metabolism in addition to acting as an effective appetite suppressant to reduce hunger. Besides, it has zero calories and is a perfect substitute for sodas and fruit juices as a thirst quencher.

  • Healthier skin

Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes and increases skin elasticity. When skin is properly hydrated, a younger look will be produced.

  • Relieves fatigue and improve alertness

Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If the body lacks water, the heart will need to work harder to transport oxygenated blood to all cells. This will cause exhaustion. In addition, the brain is made mostly of water and with enough water, alertness and the ability to concentrate is improved.

  • Helps in digestion and constipation

Drinking water raises metabolism as it helps in the digestion process. In addition, water with the help of fibers improves bowel movements.

  • Improves immunity

Water also helps in improving immunity in fighting against common diseases such as flu and other ailments such as kidney stones and heart attack. 

  • Reduces the risk of cancer

Several studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. The theory behind this is that water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the bladder/colon lining.

How To Breathe Properly For Good Health

WFC Blog - How To Breathe Properly For Good Health

How To Breathe Properly For Good Health

Breathing is such a primary function for our survival that can be used to reduce stress and stimulate good health. Notice that your breath is fast, short and shallow when you are angry, fearful or under stress and how you naturally take deeper, slower and longer breaths when you are in a peaceful and relaxed state. With breath awareness and conscious relaxation, you can enhance your ability to cope with life’s increasing pace and take control of all aspects of your health in general.

Besides, deep breathing also enhances concentration and eases pain. Research has even shown that breathing correctly helps to burn fat, makes your skin glow and corrects hormone imbalances. It has also been proven to lower blood pressure, improve digestion and increase blood circulation throughout the body and decrease overall anxiety. 

However, many have adopted bad breathing habits and swallow breathing with the upper chest instead of with the lower lungs and diaphragm. By changing breathing patterns and consciously breathing deeply into the abdomen, you can create a calm relaxed state from a stressful one.

Deep breathing calms both the body and mind by slowing down heart rate and easing the nervous system. However, many people rush around, shallow-breathing their way through life and wondering why they always feel stressed, unwell and out of breath. 

By learning simple breathing exercises and by becoming more mindful of the art as well as the act of breathing, you can do great things for your mind and body. It is recommended that you practice twice daily for a minimum of five uninterrupted minutes using the following steps:

  • Sit in a chair, with your back straight but not rigid.
  • Relax your shoulders and place your palms on either side of the abdomen
  • Inhale slowly through the nose, drawing air into the abdomen to fill and expand it using your diaphragm, then up through your middle torso and finally expanding the chest. 
  • Repeat 3-5 times.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, yoga and meditation to help you develop healthy breathing.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

WFC Blog - 8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

A lot of us are concerned with the size of our biceps or the girth of our waist. Having a fit body is important. However, keeping your mind in shape is critical to enjoying your life at the highest level. Give your brain the attention it deserves!

Keep your mind healthy, active, and in shape with these strategies:

1. Exercise regularly. Roughly 30% of your brain’s volume is composed of blood vessels. It’s important to keep your blood moving! Exercise will get your blood flowing and help to control your blood sugar. High blood sugar is harmful to blood vessels. That’s why so many diabetics die of heart disease or stroke at a relatively young age.

2. Read each day. Reading requires a lot of your brain. It’s not easy to transform symbols into words and meaning. Spend some time each day with a book that makes you think. You might learn something useful, too.

* Avoid reading the same types of books on a regular basis. Read well-written articles. Read the classics. Try a new science fiction novel. How about a book on theoretical physics? Reading the sports page every day doesn’t count. The same goes for romance novels by your favorite author. Motivational and Self Help books are a great place to start. Mix it up. 

3. Eat well. A healthy diet will help preserve your brain function. Do a little research on the best diet for longevity and attempt to make a few changes to your eating habits. A few, small changes each month will go a long way toward keeping your brain healthy.

4. Meditate. Meditation is powerful for several reasons. You’ll learn to focus like a Tibetan monk. You’ll also learn how to relax. Both are wonderful for your brain. Meditation is hard work. It’s like a decathlon for your mind.

* Find a good teacher in your area and meditate in a group. You’ll make some new friends, too.

5. Challenge yourself. Learn something new. Learning to paint, speak a new language, or dance are a few great examples. Learning something new forces your brain to create new neural pathways. Your brain’s ability to change is referred to as its “elasticity.”

* This can be very challenging at first. If you’ve been living the same day repeatedly for several years, learning something new is similar to going jogging for the first time. It’s painful, and you don’t get too far. Be patient and give your brain a chance to wake up.

6. Do something that requires a lot of brainpower. It might be solving cryptograms or writing a computer program. Take a multivariate calculus class. Study chess. Push your brain to the maximum. 

7. Remember the past. As we grow older, it’s more challenging to remember facts from the past. When you can’t remember something, avoid giving up. Take all the time you need to remember. You might finally remember the name of your high-school English teacher while you’re mowing the grass. Keep at it.

8. Get out and socialize. Spending too much time alone has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing dementia. Have an active social life and spend more time with others. You’ll enjoy your life more, too.

There are many benefits to keeping your mind in tip-top condition. You’ll enjoy better mental health and preserve your mental faculties longer. Keeping your mind healthy requires attention. Challenge yourself to learn new information and skills. Your brain is highly elastic. Give it a chance to use that ability.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, meditation and also developing the mental toughness of strong discipline.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With

WFC Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With

Develop A Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With 

It’s easy to say you’re going to work out. It’s much more difficult to actually make it happen. Failed workout plans add up and eventually you give up. That New Year’s Resolution, despite your best intentions, is a bust. Here’s how to develop a realistic fitness plan you will stick with.

Step One: Identify fitness routines or programs you might enjoy

One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick with their fitness plan is because they don’t enjoy it. They may actually go so far as to say they hate it. If you hate it then you’re not going to do it. There’s no reason to torture yourself. There are many fun activities that are healthy too. Consider:

* Dance

* Martial arts

* Swimming

* Walking/Hiking

* Cycling

* Yoga

Make a list of the fun activities you enjoy or might enjoy. Look around your community for opportunities to explore or add these activities to your day.

Step Two: Find small bits of time in your schedule to exercise

The best way to make fitness a habit is to approach it realistically. Trying to exercise for an hour each day when you’ve never exercised before may be a bit too much. Instead, try to exercise for ten or fifteen minutes a day. Or if you’ve signed up for a class, then fit that class into your schedule once or twice a week. The other days, exercise for ten or fifteen minutes. Making exercise a daily habit makes it much easier to embrace permanently.

Step Three: Celebrate your success

Sometimes it’s easier to stick with a plan if you have something to celebrate. For example, after a week of successfully working out each day you might reward yourself at the end of the week. Find a reward that’s motivating and still supports your overall fitness goals. For example, you can get a massage at the end of the week. You might purchase a new fitness outfit.

Finally, consider tracking your success. When you can see what you’ve accomplished it can be extremely motivating. You’ll be able to see the progress you’ve made. Track the workouts you’ve accomplished. Track the weight you’ve lost. Consider tracking your feelings about each workout too. For example, was it easy or hard? What level of exertion did you feel? How did you feel the next day or after the workout? 

Developing a realistic fitness plan is about managing your expectations. It’s about finding something you enjoy. Track and celebrate your success. Acknowledge that every day may not be perfect or successful but over time you can and will succeed. To your success!

Begin today and use everything we have for you at: WebFitnessClub.com

5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

5 Ways To Keep Your Whole Family Fit

Is your family less active than they should be? Are you trying to be a good example but the family is just not following your lead? Keeping your family fit can be difficult. Here are some great tips to help you keep your whole family fit.

#1 Make It Mandatory

Getting the family out and active isn’t a choice. If you give children the option to come on a hike or stay inside and play on their computer, you know what they’ll choose. Instead, make it mandatory. Consider including the family outing with other errands. For example, go for a family hike and then go to the grocery store or out to lunch. 

#2 Make It A Family Activity

Children are much more likely to engage in fitness activities if everyone is doing it. Create regular family outings. For example, ride your bikes or walk in the park together. Go for an evening walk as a family. On the weekends, engage in larger activities. For example, go on hikes. In the wintertime you can go skiing, sledding or snowshoeing. During the summertime you can head to the pool as a family or go for a bike ride.

#3 Continue To Model Good Fitness Behavior

Children really do pay attention to what you do. When you are active they’ll be more likely to adopt an active lifestyle. When you head out to exercise, remember to keep your language positive. If your children think you view exercise as a chore, they will too.

#4 Limit Screen Time

If your television, computer and gaming systems are turned off, your children will likely be at a loss for what to do. They’ll be more likely to head outside or to engage in active play. Consider giving them a screen time allowance. They’re allowed 1 hour a day, 6 hours a week – whatever seems realistic for your family. That way when they use their allowance up, they’re done. No more screen time!

#5 Make It Fun

Remember to find activities that your children enjoy. If you love hiking and your children really dislike it, then hiking is going to become a chore. If they love playing Frisbee golf or scrambling around on the local playground, then make time for those activities. When you pay attention to the likes and dislikes of everyone, then your whole family feels recognized. They’ll have a much more positive attitude about exercise.

Getting active as a family is about changing habits. Look for ways you can get people off the couch and moving. Walk or ride bikes to the store and around the neighborhood. Go to the park. Engage in activities that everyone loves. Have fun!

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

My Body Wants To Be Lean And Healthy


My body wants to be lean and healthy

My health and fitness are important to me.

I am losing any excess fat that is stored on my body. My body desires to be in a lean condition. I eat in a healthy manner that supports fitness and rejects body fat.

I am becoming leaner and healthier each day.

I enjoy exercising. I know that exercise is necessary to be lean and healthy. Plus, my body craves exercise. I feel better physically and psychologically when I exercise.

I feel vibrant and healthy after a good workout. Many people struggle to make exercise a habit, but it is easy for me. I love to exercise.

I am driven to make healthy choices. I realize that each decision I make can influence my health. I make the healthiest choice as often as I possibly can.

Being healthy is a lifestyle for me. I choose to be healthy each day.

Today, I am making the right choices to become leaner and healthier. I am eating a healthy diet and exercising today. My body wants to be lean and healthy and I am doing all I can to make that possible.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What would I gain by being leaner and healthier?

2. What is currently stopping me from being as fit and healthy as I want to be?

3. What are a few things I can easily change in my life to strengthen my health and physical fitness?

Get your very own PDF copy of these affirmations to keep with you and read daily…