How Lifting Weights Will Change Your Life

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How Lifting Weights Will Change Your Life

There’s more to be gained from lifting weights than you might think. Sure, you can get big muscles and kick sand in the faces of your bullies. But, there’s so much more than that.

There are so many benefits, both physical and psychological, from lifting weights that everyone should be doing it. If you’ve never lifted weight consistently, you’re missing out.

See how you can change your life by lifting weights:

    1. Lifting weights teaches you to deal with discomfort. If you’re really pushing some iron to the best of your ability, it’s going to be physically uncomfortable. That discomfort can be useful. If you can learn how to be uncomfortable and still continue, you become a powerful person.

        ◦ We all face discomfort each day. It’s uncomfortable to give a speech, talk to someone new, sit in traffic, or to have difficult conversations. As odd as it sounds, lifting weights can help with all types of uncomfortable situations.

    2. Your blood sugar levels are better controlled. Using your muscles in a strenuous way enhances your body’s ability to use glucose effectively. It increases your insulin sensitivity, too. Many type-2 diabetics are able to get off their medication by lifting weights and dropping a few pounds.

    3. Lifting weights is great for your sleep. It’s easier to get a good night of sleep if you’re physically active during the day. Avoid getting too carried away. Insomnia is a common sign of overtraining. It’s possible to get too much of a good thing.

        ◦ If you’re not currently sleeping well, what could change your life more than a good night of sleep?

    4. Your strength increases. This seems obvious, but it’s more important than you might think. After a certain age, you lose strength each year. It’s important to your health and independence for you to maintain your strength. The best way to maintain strength is to work on building it.

    5. Lifting weights boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss. Lifting weights is more effective for controlling body weight than cardiovascular exercise. High intensity exercise continues to burn calories long after the exercise is over. Building and maintaining muscle also requires a lot of energy.

    6. Your discipline and perseverance will increase. If you can successfully follow a weightlifting routine, you can do a lot of other things, too. It’s uncomfortable to lift weights, and many of the results come slowly. Most people are too impatient to be successful with a weightlifting routine. Be patient and you’ll see results!

    7. Depression and anxiety symptoms are reduced. Pumping iron can be great for your mood. Studies show that you feel less depressed and anxious when you exercise regularly.

    8. Self-esteem is enhanced. You feel better when you become stronger, leaner, and maintain an exercise routine. It’s great for your confidence and self-esteem. You just feel like a million bucks.

    9. Bone density increases. Bone density becomes important as you age. It can be especially important to women. Putting a heavy load on your body is great for your bones and overall health.

    10. Your posture improves. Do you slouch? Improving your strength and muscle tone can help. You’ll have fewer aches and pains, and it will be easier to stand or sit for extended periods of time.

Get started with a weightlifting routine today. Get help if you need to but get started as soon as possible. Remember to be patient. It will take several weeks for your body to adapt. Until that happens, it can be challenging to recover between workouts.

Go slowly and enjoy the process. It won’t be long before you wonder why you waited so long to get started.

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How To Eat More Food And Lose More Weight

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How To Eat More Food And Lose More Weight

Your body is like an old dog. 

It’s hard to teach it new tricks! 

But not impossible. 

You see… 

Your body is an amazing machine that loves stability. 

It likes to keep things the same. 

It doesn’t like change. 

When you eat more real food your body ‘up regulates’ it’s metabolism and burns more food. 

When you cut your food and drop your calories it ‘down regulates’ to protect itself and its energy stores. 

For example: 

One of the extraordinary features of your body is its ability to survive when food is scarce. 

Back, thousands of years ago we were hunter-gatherers. 

When food was abundant we’d gorge on it and fill our bellies. 

If it continues we’d build up fat stores. 

When times were tough we’d use these fat stores as energy.   

These stores kept us all alive. 

Now modern life has changed – a lot! 

We live in a state of permanent, food abundance.   

When we get hungry we go to the kitchen, visit the store or buy fast-food. 

We live in a time when over eating and calorie excess is just too easy. 

We rarely go hungry. 

In fact, when was the last time you REALLY felt hungry? 

Be honest! 

So while times have changed, the human body has stayed the same. 

100,000 years ago those tough times may have been the Winter. 

Nowadays it’s more likely that tough times are a crash diet in January. 

But the human body reacts the exact same as it did 100,000 years ago and treats a crash diet the exact same as a famine. 

Your body doesn’t know the difference. 

And nor does it care. 

On a crash diet your body starts to shut down, preserve energy stores, looks to save itself and keep things the same. 

Remember, it doesn’t like change! 

So how does this affect you? 

When you drastically cut your calories by going on a harsh diet (say less than 1200 calories per day) your body will go into survival mode to save itself. 


Your metabolism starts to decline and your hormones start to change. 

“So what?” you might be thinking?! 

Well, your metabolism is responsible for burning up to 70% of your daily calories and it’s this metabolism that will start to slow. 

In addition, your body works to protect its fat stores and starts to release hunger hormones that encourage you to feed. 

It’s no wonder so many people buckle under crazy diets. 

Your body tries to resist it and sends your brain messages to fight the change too! 

So where does that leave you if you want to lose weight without triggering survival mechanisms in your body and doing the exact opposite? 

First you don’t go on a fad diet that causes massive calorie deficits. 

It’s detrimental to your health and your metabolism. 

Instead, what you want is your metabolism fully functioning and firing on full capacity.   

In other words – eat! 

Eat healthy, whole and nutritious food. 

Second you need a balanced eating plan. 

One that makes sure you eat the right foods, at the right times and in the right amounts. 

A plan that will keep your weight loss efforts on track. 

Together these create a small (but practical and sustainable) calorie deficit every day. 

One more time: 

Eat whole, naturally occurring foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. 

They’ll fill you up better, keep your hormone levels stable and encourage a healthier body composition (think more muscle and less fat). 

And two, plan to eat 5 to 6 meals a day for the week ahead. 

Don’t just make them up as you go along because you’re human and without a plan it’s all too easy to eat convenience foods. 


You won’t feel hungry.  

You’ll likely end up eating more.  

When you eat you’ll feel happy and satisfied.   

Then throw in some exercise and you’ll look as good as you feel.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:

6 Incredible Benefits That Vegetables Provide

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6 Incredible Benefits That Vegetables Provide

When some people hear the word “vegetable”, it can make their skin crawl. With a clean eating lifestyle, you will be eating a lot of vegetables, so to encourage people in your family who might not be on board yet, it helps to know the many benefits of them.

  1. Vegetable Are Packed With Nutrients

One of the top benefits to eating more vegetables is the fact that they are filled with nutrients, including a wide range of vitamins and minerals. They allow you to be healthier and can even keep you from having to take all those supplements each day! 

In fact, many vegetables contain vitamins like A, C, E, and D, in addition to having a lot of fiber, folic acid, potassium, and calcium. Some vegetables have so many nutrients in a single serving that they are considered a superfood, such as garlic, spinach, broccoli, and tomatoes.

  1. You Can Improve Your Physical Health

Thanks to all of these vitamins and nutrients, eating more vegetables also helps you to prevent serious physical conditions. For example, vegetables are known to reduce blood pressure and prevent bad cholesterol, which can help you prevent heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

You can also get more healthy red blood cells, which helps to reduce your risk for diabetes, stroke, and cancer. Women eating vegetables can have healthier babies.

  1. They Are Low in Calories

If you are looking to lose weight, vegetables are an ideal food to eat on their own, in salads, or as a side dish. Many vegetables are low in calories; some so low that the calorie count is close to zero. 

They are often chosen as the food to eat when you are hungry and on a diet, but don’t have many calories left for the day. Some of the vegetables with the lowest calorie count include celery, romaine lettuce, and cucumber, with 13 calories, 18 calories, and 20 calories per serving respectfully. 

  1. Vegetables Are a Great Source of Fiber

Among the different nutrients included in vegetables, fiber is one of the most important. Imagine having regular bowel movements just by using more vegetables in your recipes? When you switch to clean eating and increase your vegetable intake, you also benefit from the fiber content by having lower cholesterol, better bowel health, and lower blood sugar levels.

  1. Your Skin Will Look Better

If your bathroom counter is overflowing with skin care products, now is the time to stop! Save your money and your sanity by improving your skin naturally with vegetables. Nutrients like the high water content, vitamin C and phytonutrients make vegetables an amazing way to improve your skin. You will have beautiful, glowing skin that has less sun spots and reduced acne.

  1. You Can Reduce Your Stress Levels

Whether you have a demanding job, busy schedule, or simply have difficulty with all your daily responsibilities, you have likely been looking for easy ways to relieve stress. Just eating better and increasing your vegetable intake can be a huge help. Vegetables like swiss chard, kale, and spinach are wonderful for stress since they contain magnesium, which helps to improve your stress hormones. Vegetables can also help you to control anxiety and depression.

As you can see vegetables have a huge variety of health benefits.  Help your family get into the habit of eating them daily.  They’ll be amazed how they feel and their health will be much better for it.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness knowledge, workouts and clean eating.

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Great Ways To Stay Fit At Home

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Great Ways To Stay Fit At Home

No matter who you are or what shape you’re in, your fitness and health are undoubtedly important to you. However, like many others, maybe you’d rather meet your fitness goals without having to go to the gym! The good news is that it’s easy to get fit and healthy right in the comfort of your own home.

Make Use of Everyday Home Activities

Your passion for fitness can easily be fulfilled by the very activities you do at home and take for granted. In fact, you probably burn the most calories when you’re not consciously trying to do so. So what are you waiting on? Give yourself the opportunity you truly deserve to be fit once and for all!

Try these easy tips for staying fit at home:

1. Get busy in the kitchen.

Would you believe that spending time in the kitchen could actually help you achieve your fitness goals? Of course, if the time in your culinary quarters involves tasting everything you’re preparing, you might not exactly get the full benefit! Rearrange the pantry, slice some veggies, and wash the dishes to burn those extra calories.

2. Groom the garden.

Gardening is a wonderful way to help you stay fit at home. You can prune the roses, water the shrubs, or pull out the mower if you’re up to it. You’ll work up a sweat in no time!

3. Have a garage sale.

In all likelihood, you probably have tons of stuff that you don’t need. So why not dig them up, have a garage sale and burn some calories all at once? Climbing into those cupboards you haven’t seen the back of for years will definitely stretch muscles you never knew existed.

4. Spend the day in the laundry room.

Doing laundry is also a great way to help you stay in shape at home. Moving loads of clothes from laundry hampers to the washer and dryer can certainly leave you breathless – in a good way! Who knew that cleaning linens and dirty soccer jerseys could be this beneficial?

5. Make your home spotless.

Cleaning is an age-old technique for getting in shape at home. Turn those tedious tasks into fun, fitness-building activities: turn the radio up and dance while sweeping or mopping. House Cleaning will help you meet your fitness goals by:

• Getting your cardiovascular system pumping

• Putting all your muscle groups to work

• Improving your overall strength

Get Fit While Watching TV

To give your fitness mission a boost, consider doing exercises at home. Perhaps you simply prefer to exercise in a private place rather than the gym where everyone else can gawk at you. The easiest way to do that is to use exercise DVDs right in your living room.

The market is filled with many options for exercise DVDs. There are different programs for weight training, abdominal exercises, and aerobic, full-body workouts. You can even go a step further by trying out yoga or Pilates DVDs. It all really depends on what your preferences are. 

Another option is to exercise while watching your favorite movies or shows. As long as you’re active while watching, the more TV you watch, the fitter you’ll get!

These tips can inspire you to make your fitness goals a reality by getting active at home. Achieving the results you want is truly more possible than you think if you utilize your household chores and activities for everything they’re worth.

Next time you feel inclined to label a Saturday a Work Day, switch it up and name it a Workout Day because that’s just what you’ll be doing! Knowing that those formerly tedious activities can actually make a difference in your fitness level can add a spark of enjoyment to the routine.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, clean eating and workouts you can do from home.

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Water The Elixir Of Life: The Benefits Of Water

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Water The Elixir Of Life: The Benefits Of Water

Water is the elixir of life. It is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of water per day as it is the key to a longer, healthier, more vigorous lifestyle. 60% of the body consists of water and it is the main component of the human body.

Tissues and organs are also mainly made up of water with the following percentages: 

  • Muscle: 75% water
  • Brain : 90% water
  • Bone: 22% water
  • Blood: 83% water

The following are a few key benefits of water: 

  • Losing weight

Water flushes down the by-products of fat metabolism in addition to acting as an effective appetite suppressant to reduce hunger. Besides, it has zero calories and is a perfect substitute for sodas and fruit juices as a thirst quencher.

  • Healthier skin

Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes and increases skin elasticity. When skin is properly hydrated, a younger look will be produced.

  • Relieves fatigue and improve alertness

Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If the body lacks water, the heart will need to work harder to transport oxygenated blood to all cells. This will cause exhaustion. In addition, the brain is made mostly of water and with enough water, alertness and the ability to concentrate is improved.

  • Helps in digestion and constipation

Drinking water raises metabolism as it helps in the digestion process. In addition, water with the help of fibers improves bowel movements.

  • Improves immunity

Water also helps in improving immunity in fighting against common diseases such as flu and other ailments such as kidney stones and heart attack. 

  • Reduces the risk of cancer

Several studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. The theory behind this is that water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the bladder/colon lining.

How To Breathe Properly For Good Health

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How To Breathe Properly For Good Health

Breathing is such a primary function for our survival that can be used to reduce stress and stimulate good health. Notice that your breath is fast, short and shallow when you are angry, fearful or under stress and how you naturally take deeper, slower and longer breaths when you are in a peaceful and relaxed state. With breath awareness and conscious relaxation, you can enhance your ability to cope with life’s increasing pace and take control of all aspects of your health in general.

Besides, deep breathing also enhances concentration and eases pain. Research has even shown that breathing correctly helps to burn fat, makes your skin glow and corrects hormone imbalances. It has also been proven to lower blood pressure, improve digestion and increase blood circulation throughout the body and decrease overall anxiety. 

However, many have adopted bad breathing habits and swallow breathing with the upper chest instead of with the lower lungs and diaphragm. By changing breathing patterns and consciously breathing deeply into the abdomen, you can create a calm relaxed state from a stressful one.

Deep breathing calms both the body and mind by slowing down heart rate and easing the nervous system. However, many people rush around, shallow-breathing their way through life and wondering why they always feel stressed, unwell and out of breath. 

By learning simple breathing exercises and by becoming more mindful of the art as well as the act of breathing, you can do great things for your mind and body. It is recommended that you practice twice daily for a minimum of five uninterrupted minutes using the following steps:

  • Sit in a chair, with your back straight but not rigid.
  • Relax your shoulders and place your palms on either side of the abdomen
  • Inhale slowly through the nose, drawing air into the abdomen to fill and expand it using your diaphragm, then up through your middle torso and finally expanding the chest. 
  • Repeat 3-5 times.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, yoga and meditation to help you develop healthy breathing.

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How To Structure An Effective HIIT Workout

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How To Structure An Effective HIIT Workout

Structuring a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout is pretty straightforward once you know the basics. Before proceeding, here are a few quick tips:

* You only need to do 2 to 3 HIIT sessions a week to see results. 

* Always have a 1 day break between each HIIT session

* Full-body strength HIIT workouts are more effective than cardio HIIT workouts

* Make sure you’ve been exercising for at least a month or two before trying HIIT

* Intensity and load is more important that duration of workout

Now let’s look at the basics:

1. Full-body workouts 

It’s best that all your HIIT sessions be full body workouts. The more muscles you recruit, the more calories you burn. You’ll also be toning your different muscle groups. This is one reason why strength training workouts with HIIT are much more effective than HIIT that are purely cardio workouts.

If you’re doing sprints as a form of interval training, you’ll mostly be working your legs and to a small extent your arms. While your stamina will improve, your upper body strength will not increase significantly.

With strength training, your entire body will be given a workout. The muscles in your upper body will get stronger and your lower body will too. There will be more balance. Your stamina will also improve because of the intensity.

So, it’s best to have strength training exercises and full-body workouts. Stick to compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, lunges, pushups, pull ups, leg raises, etc.

Do remember to warm up for 5 minutes before you start a HIIT session and do cool down exercises for 5 minutes when you’re done.

2. Work to rest ratios

Your work to rest ratio will depend on your level of fitness. If you’re a beginner, your work:rest ratio will be 1:2. That means 30 seconds high intensity followed by 1 minute of rest. You’ll do this for 10 to 15 minutes and for as many sets as you can fit into the duration you’re working out.

Advanced training usually means longer intensity duration followed by shorter rest intervals. A common technique is 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.

If you’re at intermediate level, you’ll still follow the 1:2 ratio but you’ll train for 15 to 20 minutes. You may wish to do 1 minute intense followed by 2 minutes rest. As long as you maintain the ratio, you’re good.

If you’re advanced, you can aim for a ratio of 1:1. One minute of intensity followed by one minute of rest. Or you could even do 2:1. Two minutes intensity followed by 1 minute of rest. You can do this for 20 to 25 minutes. This is best attempted by women with a high level of fitness.

* Progressive training

Keep your training progressive but gradual. Always seek to improve. You could improve by doing extra reps or extra sets in the given time period. It would be a good idea to record the details of each workout so that you know you’re trying to beat your personal bests.

You can improve in 3 ways:

* Increasing your speed, reps/sets 

* Increasing the weights

* Shortening the rest periods

3. Knowing your max heart rate

Your maximum heart rate can be found by subtracting your age from 220. So, if you’re a 35 year old woman, 220 – 35 = 185. This is your maximum heart rate.

When training, you want to be at around 80 to 95 percent of your maximum heart rate. That will mean 185 x .80 and 185 x .95. So your training zone has a range of 148 to 175. This is the zone your heart should be beating at when you’re training during a HIIT session.

Your recovery heart rate should be 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Ideally, you should have a heart rate monitor to track your heart rate so that you’ll know at a glance where you stand.

Now that you’re aware of the basics, structure your HIIT workouts so that you train your entire body with compound exercises. Workout for a suitable duration at your maximum heart rate. Vary your workouts and always strive to improve on your personal bests.

We have great training options inside our WebFitnessClub Membership about fitness, motivation and how to developing the best workout for you.

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Top 8 Personal Size Blenders For Fitness And Clean Eating

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The Top 8 Personal Size Blenders For Fitness And Clean Eating

Blenders never go out of style due to their ease, versatility, and speed. However, you might not want to use a full-size blender when you are simply making your morning breakfast smoothie. In this case, you can use a personal size blender. 

Personal size blenders come with a travel cup that is great for shakes and smoothies.  This makes it easy to bring your smoothie with you during a busy morning. You can easily transfer it to a cup of your choice also. You’ll appreciate the versatility of the personal size blender and the fact it saves you time in the mornings.

These personal size blenders are simple to use and create wonderful shakes and smoothies that fits right into your clean eating lifestyle. They really save the cleaning time from getting out the big blender.


Hamilton Beach 51101B Personal Blender with Travel Lid, Black

The affordable and effective Hamilton Beach 51101BA personal blender comes with a travel cup and lid, making it easy to blend and take the drink with you. Not only does this blender work with your clean eating shakes and smoothies, but you can also make salad dressing and marinade with all-natural ingredients and no preservatives. It blends fast and comes with a 175-watt blending motor. 

It retails at around $20 and is budget-friendly.

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


Oster BLSTPB-WBL My Blend 250-Watt Blender with Travel Sport Bottle, Light Powder Blue

The handy Oster BLSTPB-WBL My Blend personal blender is a 250-watt blender coming in a multitude of fun colors, including the classic light power blue color. The blender and accompanying sport bottle are dishwasher safe and free of BPA plastic. 

The personal blender comes with recipes for delicious smoothies and shakes. The sport bottle it comes with can be pulled right off the blender and brought with you for easy transport. It also includes one-touch blending for speed and ease. 

This blender retails for about $20 and is a good low price option.

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


La Reveuse Personal Size Blender 250 Watts Power for Shakes Smoothies Seasonings Sauces with 2 Pieces 16 oz Mug, Black

250 Watts personal size blender with 2 x 16 oz BPA Free bottles,8-in-1 can be used for chopping, blending, mixing, grating, pureeing, grinding. High speed stainless steel blade, strong enough to crush vegetables and fruit easily.

Great for making smoothies,shakes, baby formula and morning protein drinks. 2 Cups with travel lid and flip-top lid, makes it easy to take on the go portability to the office, gym or class, in the car or in your bag 

This blender retails for under $30 and is a good choice if you’re looking for a low price. 

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


Electric Portable Blender, TOPQSC 5200mAh USB Rechargeable Personal Blender for Shakes and Smoothies with 15 oz Glass Blender Cup, FDA/BPA Free (Black)

Powerful Smoothie Blender-Upgraded 7.4V dual power motor (16500rmp/min ) enables blender to retrain all nutrients in more rich smoothie in 10 seconds. And the 5200mAh super long-lasting battery supports 20 cups of drink with one full charge.

Easy & Efficient Operation- On/Pulse button pressed for 2-3 seconds, blender makes great smoothies, baby formula by itself. After finishing, the USB rechargeable blender turns off automatically after 45 seconds to save power.

This is a cool little USB rechargeable blender for about $35 which is useful without power.

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


BELLA 13586 12-Piece Rocket Blender, Stainless Steel and Black

The BELLA 13586 personal blender comes in a wide range of colors, from sleek stainless steel and black to fun colors like orange, green, and red. All plastic components are BPA-free and the dual-action blades make it perfect for slicing and grinding all those fruits and vegetables that will become part of your clean eating lifestyle.

This blender has a 700 watt power base with a stainless steel blending blade that can emulsify & liquify whole fruits & even leafy greens, plus a grinding blade that allows you to pulverize dry foods & spices.

Put in your favorite chopped fruit, yogurt and almond milk, and you have yourself a delicious and healthy smoothie. There is also a shaker lid if you want to add any flavorings or seasonings to your blender.

This blender retails for about $40 which makes it a good choice if you’re on a budget. 

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


Magic Bullet Blender, Small, Silver, 11 Piece Set

Effortlessly create your favorite meals and snacks like smoothies, omelets, sauces and dips. 250 Watts high-torque power base.

The Magic Bullet chops, mixes, blends, whips, grinds and more. Cups are made out of high-impact plastic. The 13 Piece Blender Set: Includes Blender, Additional Blender Cups, Blades, Recipe Book & More.

Get more for your money when you spend a little more at around $40 for the Magic Bullet blender. Which is a steal for this awesome blender!

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


Ninja BL456 Nutri Pro Compact Personal Blender, with 18 oz. and 24 oz. To Go Cups, in a Black and Silver Finish

The 900 watts of professional power breaks down fruits and vegetables for nutritious juices and smoothies. The Ninja Nutri Pro provides you with powerful nutrient & vitamin extraction performance to extract hidden nutrition from whole fruits and veggies.

Twist on the spout lids and take your drinks with you for easy on the go sipping. Manually pulse to easily crush ice, seeds, skins, stems and frozen ingredients for a smooth, even consistency.

This is a powerful personal blender for right about $60 when you need the extra power. 

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!


NutriBullet NB9-1301T Pro 13 Pcs Sky Teal, 900W

With 900 watts of power, the NutriBullet Pro is faster and stronger than the original, but just as simple to use. Load it up with dense whole foods like nuts, seeds, hard fruits, and kale, then push, twist and blend your way to a healthier lifestyle. 

Optimized 900-watt motor and refined nutrient extraction blades blend. The toughest whole foods into nutritious shakes, smoothies, and nut butters. Included: (1) 900W motor base, (1) Extractor blade, (2) 32 oz. Cup, (2) to-go lid, (2) lip ring, (2) lip ring with handle and recipe book.

Here’s a great package and powerful personal blender for about $85 with the extra power.     

Order It Now…  CLICK HERE!

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10 Myths Of Exercising That Keeps You From Losing Weight

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10 Myths Of Exercising That Keeps You From Losing Weight

There are many misconceptions regarding exercise that still exist today. Here are some of the most common exercise myths as well as the not-so-common facts based on current exercise research. 

Exercise Myth 1 – Low intensity workout burns more fat 

In general, low intensity exercise has its place — it’s less stressful on joints. However, one should know that fat reduction depends on the total energy cost or how many calories burned during the activity. The faster you move, the more calories you use per minute. However, high-intensity exercise may be difficult to sustain in the beginning, so you may not exercise very long at this level. In such cases, it is safer and more practical to start out at a lower intensity and to gradually work your way up. 

Exercise Myth 2 – Spot reduction works for tighter abs or toner arms 

All those crunching may have been done in vain. You will not see a nice muscle definition despite how many crunches you do because it lays hidden beneath all the layers of fat. Thus, when exercising, do not focus on a body part. Whole body exercises work better. This kind of thinking keeps a lot of people from maintaining or even starting an exercise program. Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening for as little as an hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Exercise Myth 3 – Stretching will help prevent injuries

There is little evidence stretching prevents injuries. Current research shows that muscle stretching does not reduce delayed onset muscle soreness in young healthy adults.  In another study, it is found that static stretching (staying in one place during stretching) lasting more than a minute can be detrimental to performance. Athletes often swing their arms and warm up before a game. That type of dynamic stretching such as high knee jogs, walking lunges can help move your muscles through different ranges of motions.

Exercise Myth 4 – If You Exercise Long and Hard Enough, You Will Always Get the Results You Want. 

In reality, genetics plays an important role in how people respond to exercise. Studies have shown a wide variation in how different exercisers respond to the same training program. Your development of strength, speed and endurance may be very different from that of other people you know. 

Exercise Myth 5 – Exercise Is One Sure Way to Lose All the Weight You Desire. 

As with all responses to exercise, weight gain or loss is dependent on many factors, including dietary intake and genetics. All individuals will not lose the same amount of weight on the same exercise program. It is possible to be active and overweight. However, although exercise alone cannot guarantee your ideal weight, regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for successful long-term weight management. 

Exercise Myth 6 – If You Want to Lose Weight, Stay Away From Strength Training Because You Will Bulk Up.

 Most exercise experts believe that cardiovascular exercise and strength training are both valuable for maintaining a healthy weight. Strength training helps maintain muscle mass and decrease body fat percentage. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest.

Exercise Myth 7 – Water Fitness Programs Are Primarily for Older People or Exercisers With Injuries. 

Recent research has shown that water fitness programs can be highly challenging and effective for both improving fitness and losing weight. Even top athletes integrate water fitness workouts into their training programs. 

Exercise Myth 8 – The Health and Fitness Benefits of Mind-Body Exercise Like Tai Chi and Yoga Are Questionable.

Research showing the benefits of these exercises continues to grow. Tai chi, for example, has been shown to help treat low-back pain and fibromyalgia. Improved flexibility, balance, coordination, posture, strength and stress management are just some of the potential results of mind-body exercise. 

Exercise Myth 9 – Overweight People Are Unlikely to Benefit Much From Exercise. 

Studies show that obese people who participate in regular exercise programs have a lower risk of all-cause mortality than sedentary individuals, regardless of weight. Both men and women of all sizes and fitness levels can improve their health with modest increases in activity. 

Exercise Myth 10 – Home Workouts Are Fine, But Going to a Gym Is the Best Way to Get Fit. 

Research has shown that some people find it easier to stick to a home-based fitness program. In spite of all the hype on trendy exercise programs and facilities, the “best” program for you is the one you will participate in consistently.

8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

WFC Blog - 8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

8 Ways To Keep Your Mind In Shape

A lot of us are concerned with the size of our biceps or the girth of our waist. Having a fit body is important. However, keeping your mind in shape is critical to enjoying your life at the highest level. Give your brain the attention it deserves!

Keep your mind healthy, active, and in shape with these strategies:

1. Exercise regularly. Roughly 30% of your brain’s volume is composed of blood vessels. It’s important to keep your blood moving! Exercise will get your blood flowing and help to control your blood sugar. High blood sugar is harmful to blood vessels. That’s why so many diabetics die of heart disease or stroke at a relatively young age.

2. Read each day. Reading requires a lot of your brain. It’s not easy to transform symbols into words and meaning. Spend some time each day with a book that makes you think. You might learn something useful, too.

* Avoid reading the same types of books on a regular basis. Read well-written articles. Read the classics. Try a new science fiction novel. How about a book on theoretical physics? Reading the sports page every day doesn’t count. The same goes for romance novels by your favorite author. Motivational and Self Help books are a great place to start. Mix it up. 

3. Eat well. A healthy diet will help preserve your brain function. Do a little research on the best diet for longevity and attempt to make a few changes to your eating habits. A few, small changes each month will go a long way toward keeping your brain healthy.

4. Meditate. Meditation is powerful for several reasons. You’ll learn to focus like a Tibetan monk. You’ll also learn how to relax. Both are wonderful for your brain. Meditation is hard work. It’s like a decathlon for your mind.

* Find a good teacher in your area and meditate in a group. You’ll make some new friends, too.

5. Challenge yourself. Learn something new. Learning to paint, speak a new language, or dance are a few great examples. Learning something new forces your brain to create new neural pathways. Your brain’s ability to change is referred to as its “elasticity.”

* This can be very challenging at first. If you’ve been living the same day repeatedly for several years, learning something new is similar to going jogging for the first time. It’s painful, and you don’t get too far. Be patient and give your brain a chance to wake up.

6. Do something that requires a lot of brainpower. It might be solving cryptograms or writing a computer program. Take a multivariate calculus class. Study chess. Push your brain to the maximum. 

7. Remember the past. As we grow older, it’s more challenging to remember facts from the past. When you can’t remember something, avoid giving up. Take all the time you need to remember. You might finally remember the name of your high-school English teacher while you’re mowing the grass. Keep at it.

8. Get out and socialize. Spending too much time alone has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing dementia. Have an active social life and spend more time with others. You’ll enjoy your life more, too.

There are many benefits to keeping your mind in tip-top condition. You’ll enjoy better mental health and preserve your mental faculties longer. Keeping your mind healthy requires attention. Challenge yourself to learn new information and skills. Your brain is highly elastic. Give it a chance to use that ability.

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