Why You Should Avoid Getting Into A Weight Lifting Rut

Why You Should Avoid Getting Into A Weight Lifting Rut

Once you have begun your strength training program, you might find yourself in a weight lifting rut. It can happen easily to even the most motivated of us.

We want results and we want them yesterday. The endless repetitions can start to drive us out of our minds.

Even worse, doing the same exercises over and over again can get your muscles into a certain set of habits. They will need all new workouts to challenge them to the max and get the best results.  

Worst of all, you might think about giving up because you are not seeing the results you want. Maybe the scale seems stuck on the same number for weeks.

Or disaster has struck: your weight has gone up despite your best efforts and the fact that you are nearly starving yourself. This could be a good sign because muscle weighs more than fat. 

Many people throw in the towel at this point. But that would be foolish after all your hard work. Build on your success by re-thinking some of your approaches to getting fit.

Once you review your progress and routines, you can find all new ways to get out of your rut and back on track.

The first step is to identify your goals’ “To lose weight” or ‘to get more fit’ are too vague.  Be specific, so you can then use the right tools and take the best actions to achieve the goal. For example, you might wish to lose 20 pounds and reduce your percentage of body fat by 10%.  

In terms of weight loss, don’t starve yourself. Focus on protein in order to build more muscle. More muscle will burn more calories and boost your metabolism, to burn even more calories.

In terms of strength training, you might decide that you want to progress from starting at 2 pounds to working up to 10 pounds, from 1 set of 8 reps to 16 reps and from 1 set to 3 sets.

Tired of endless reps with your hand weights? Try working out with resistance bands. Add a few new exercises to your strength training.

Or, discover some new routines to work out in a whole new way.  Resistance bands come in a range of weights (loads) so they are sure to suit your fitness level. You can also use more than one to increase your loads.  

Resistance bands can also help you work different muscles in different ways. Many of the exercises you can do with the bands are similar to the workout machines in the gym, but they are portable and you can use them at home, or anywhere you feel like working out.

A change of scenery might also get you out of your workout rut.  With resistance bands you can even take our workout outside.

Don’t just give up on your workout due to getting stuck in a rut.  Adopt some new strategies and give your strength training a whole new spin.

Take action now and use everything we have for you at:  WebFitnessClub.com

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